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Kostenloser Kurs in Zeitgenössischem Tanz in Italien

Audition in Berlin am 9.09.

Officina Corpo and Communication holds auditions for their free course for contemporary dancers.  The auditions are for dancers, with a strong training in contemporary dance organised in different national and international centre. 

Audition Dates:

09 / 09 Berlin - Schwelle Sieben ( From 12.00 to 18.00
16 / 09 Paris – Micadanses ( From 13.00 to 18.00
23 / 09 Rome – Centro IALS ( studio sala 1 - From 11.00 to 15.30
25 / 09 Perugia – Centro Coreografico Regionale Umbria ( From 13.00 to 18.00
29 / 09 Venice – Centro Teatrale di Ricerca ( ) From 13.00 to 18.00
30 / 09 Torino – Associazione Artemovimento.( From 13.00 to 17.00
06 - 07 / 10 Bari - Festival visioni di (p)Arte Teatro Kismet – workshop/audition - (
14 / 10 Catania – Majazé ( From 12.00 to 16.00

The Course is for dancers, of 18 years old minimum who: come from the national and international territory; wish to give depth to their personal artistic/creative abilities, precise their technical skills, develop abilities in organization/management; wish to improve their formation by looking further into research within the processes of training, as well at the personal level in the dynamic relational ones; wish to develop a competence to lead and work out projects of groups; are interested in all the sets of themes related to health, physics and mental, prevention of the wounds, nutrition and work on the professional energy and motivations in the professional field; wish to be trained in a professional context.

The Course is free of charge. At the end of Course, all the participants will obtain a certificate reckoned in Europe.  The Course wishes to develop the capacities to seek the most suitable professional opportunities, and to consolidate artistic and technical competences in the field of the contemporary dance.  The Course wishes to make it possible to identify and develop suitable competences for various roles and professional profiles, such as: dancer, assistant-choreographer, choreographer, trainer of company.

One video-dance will be carried out during the Course, with all the participants. This video will be then presented within the Italian and foreign festivals with which MotoMimetico and Majazé collaborate. 

Twice the year, a showcase will be organized to present the individual research project of the students at choreographers and operators so that they can evaluate artistic/technical dimensions. It will also be the occasion for the participants to create interconnections with other choreographers and professional realities.

By the end of the Course, these professional opportunities will be offered: after selection, two dancers could collaborate with MotoMimetico Company on its new piece whose creation will start in December 2008 in Catania. An artistic residency will host one of the projects of the students, within the activities of Majazé-cultural centre, with a final presentation of the work. Two internships for achieving a professional training will be offered: Internship of creation e Internship in organization.

Information and registration to the auditions: Send a CV to: -

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