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Workshops mit Dominique De Fazio 2013

Neue Workshops mit DOMINIQUE DE FAZIO am 19./20. und 24.-27.10.13 in Hamburg. Seminare für Schauspieler, Regisseure, Theater- und Filmstudenten.

1. Why Be An Actor?

In what do you wish to invest yourself? What is worth your time, your heart, and your soul?

Ein Wochenend-Seminar für Schauspieler, Regisseure, Theater- und Filmstudenten mit

19./20. Oktober 2013 in Hamburg

DeFazio Why Be An Actor

Living Life as an Artist and Making a Difference

Throughout the world today, people are asking for a NEW, REAL, and IMPORTANT Experience - for their lives! At the same time the world of theatre and film is changing at a phenomenal pace, so the profession of acting. In these times a New Vision of ‚The Profession of Acting’ is needed.To step forward with an insightful, heart-felt, and honest communication about life, the actor first change his/her frame, the worldview from which s/he works.

Dominique De Fazio leitet persönlich an diesem Wochendende die ‚Reise’ zu einer „New Vision of The Profession of Acting“. Neben dem Folgeseminar  ‚The Transformative Actor’   vom 24. bis 27. Okt.  ist dieses Seminar die einzige Gelegenheit  mit Herrn De Fazio in Hamburg zu arbeiten.

Der Unterricht wird auf Englisch gehalten und bei Bedarf simultan übersetzt.


Sam. und Son. 19. u. 20 Okt. 2013  10:00–18.00 Uhr


€ 230.-
€ 190.- (bei Zahlungseingang bis 15. Okt. 2013)

Anmeldeformular und weitere Informationen bei:
Schauspielakademie Artrium
Thedestraße 99
22767 Hamburg

Uta Grey    0172-70 22 111

Further Information - The Structure of he Seminar:

A “NEW” Actor is Needed
•    What is, and what could be.
•    Taking the Risk To Be Present.
•    Art AS Experience.
•    The Origin of Stories that Resonate.

The Training Path
•    Where am I? Here I am.
•    Receiving (Let it enter)
•    From Separation to Unity:  Sense-Become-Follow
•    Learning How to create - Taking the Risk to Create
•    A New Notion of “Communication”
•    A Training of a Lifetime

Making a Living as an Actor
•    Redefining Success.
•    Cultivating the Creative Habit.
•    The Dao of Abundance.
•    Living Life as an Artist.
•    Making a Difference.
•    Charting a Professional Course of Actions

The Seminar will consist of:
Individual and Group exercises, Improvisations and selected scenes from theatre and/or film (with volunteers from class, Directed exploration. Everyone present each day will work in class.


2. The Transformative Actor

Intensive Acting Seminar

Vier Tage Training für Schauspieler, Regisseure, Theater- und Filmstudenten mit

24.-27. Oktober 2013 in Hamburg


For "The Transformative Actor" there are no techniques. There is a path to follow. There are different questions to be asking. There are different values. There are precise abilities to cultivate. And there is the request to be fully humanly available to the creative problem. There are, however, no techniques nor tricks to learn.

The Structure of the 4-Day Training

Introduction to the Training Path:
•    What is it to create?
•    What is the nature of an Experience?
•    What is meant with the word 'reality'?
•    What is the nature of one's 'self'?
•    What is the nature of “sensation”?
•    How does life “happen”?
•    What is the task of the actor?

The Further Training Includes:
•    An Actor Prepares. From the preparation, the Way will be unknown, but the end will be guaranteed.
•    From “Where” Does an Action Arise?
•    Establishing the “Context” of a Moment on the Stage, or in Film “through Action”
•    The Power of “Being Questions”
•    From Separation to Unity:  Sense-Become-Follow
•    Creating Oneness – the opposite of conflict.
•    The public and the transformative actor

There will be: Individual and Group exercises, Improvisations and selected scenes from theatre and/or film (with volunteers from class, Directed exploration. Everyone present each day will work in class.

In diesen vier Tagen des Trainings haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit Herrn De Fazio in Hamburg persönlich zu arbeiten.

Der Unterricht wird auf Englisch gehalten und bei Bedarf simultan übersetzt.


Donnerstag, 24. Okt.     10:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag, 25. Okt.     10:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Samstag, 26. Okt.    10:00 – 17:00 Uhr (inkl. Mittagspause)
Sonntag, 27. Okt    10:00 – 17:00 Uhr (inkl. Mittagspause)


€ 395.-
€ 325.- (bei Zahlungseingang bis Freitag 18. Oktober 2013)

Anmeldeformular und weitere Informationen bei:
Schauspielakademie Artrium
Thedestraße 99
22767 Hamburg

Uta Grey    0172-70 22 111


DeFazio Transformative Actor 2There are many different kinds of actors.

There are actors who fit in, who offer to give the director a result for which the director seems to be asking. With enthusiasm. With energy. With generosity.

There are actors who want to be noticed. They listen to what other actors do, or the try to grasp what a casting person might expect, and then try to be different from those expectations. They may try to be surprising, unexpected, novel, perhaps even shocking. They want to be remembered.


There are Actors who hear what the director asks and more; they understand from where it comes. When they act, they do more than produce a result; they seem to transform all the other actors in the scene perfect within the intentions of the writer and the director. They bring the people in the public into union with the actors on the stage. In a moment they transform many elements into one harmonious beauty!


Critics' Responses:

"For the general public, his name says nothing; but it sounds almost magically for the actors in Europe. In fact, De Fazio is considered one of the masters of acting, a person of major international prestige."
Guiseppina Manin

"Dominique De Fazio. He speaks quickly, says things that are acute, fantastic or intelligent, and one understands immediately that he has a great capacity to fascinate and guide, and that he is a master.
We are speaking, in effect, of one of the most quoted theatre teachers at the international level."
Ugo Volli

"Dominique De Fazio, Italian-American, is recognized as one of the most distinguished acting teachers in the world. To write this article about his work, I agreed to audit a series of his classes and chose to participate, as well. Every moment there was quiet agreeable given that Dominique is a man who transmits comfort, simplicity, and a spark of constant curiosity toward all theatrical problems. So sensitive and poetic  ...  it is curios that such an important person from the Acotrs Studio gives an impression so different from the style and jargon more or less associated with 'The Method'."

From the introduction to a 14-page article on Dominique De Fazio by Spanish playwright and critic
Alonso de Santos




Workshop · De Fazio · Coaching
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